Who we are, the 93Steps’ crew: Lorenzo Scagnolari

Posted by 20 aprile 2017 BLOG, NEWS, TALK ABOUT US No Comments
93Steps Lorenzo Scagnolari

Music is something that you have to feel. You need to feel it as part of yourself as well as an escape from reality, both for work-wise or amusement related stuff.

The first time I’ve got in touch with Music I was seven years old: I saw my sister during her first piano lesson and attracted from that curious sound, I tried to lean my hand over it and press a couple of keys; from that moment on, we forever tied together!

After my Conservatory studies and the Music Academy degree, my very first desire was to become a “studio musician” and record anything possible; but then my desire was turned into a far away dream due to a reality closed to any new and willing music player.

This is why seven years ago I decided to get involved into something capable to express all my musical passion, skills and years of study.

Producing Music and Audio Services for Video-Games (I’m definetly a NERD, I’ve always played and I’ll always do!) or for Trailers and Commercials has just been the beginning of a personal fulfilment; there’s nothing as rewarding as to put your Audio effort into a project, being it gaming or ADV, and underline with your own sound its peculiarities and inner essence.

And believe me: being both Audio Director and Composer for a multimedia project is the ultimate feeling that I’ve ever dreamed of!”

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